Tandem carrying and Twin Slings

Getting about with more than one child brings a whole new set of challenges. Even getting up and down stairs is a tricky proposition. Carrying one or more children in a sling can be a great help in daily life. Library consultants can help families to find slings of combinations of slings which work for them and work with families to build the skill base and confidence necessary to carry twins or children close in age in many situations.
The Library stocks and can advise on suitable stretchy wraps (more structure a can be helpful for carrying more than one child), carriers including the Minimonkey (twin, mini and carrier), Lenny Twin, Weego and Twingo. We are also happy to help with solutions involving ring slings, scootababy, woven wraps and buckled carriers.
If you are planning on visiting the library for advice on carrying twins or siblings, please give us some advanced notice so that we can have a think about your particular situation and have some options prepared in advance… Sometimes even sling consultants need a little practice!
The Library stocks and can advise on suitable stretchy wraps (more structure a can be helpful for carrying more than one child), carriers including the Minimonkey (twin, mini and carrier), Lenny Twin, Weego and Twingo. We are also happy to help with solutions involving ring slings, scootababy, woven wraps and buckled carriers.
If you are planning on visiting the library for advice on carrying twins or siblings, please give us some advanced notice so that we can have a think about your particular situation and have some options prepared in advance… Sometimes even sling consultants need a little practice!